Product Design

Dutch Design Daily

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Boey Wang www.boeyw.com

Immeasurable Range

By 05-12-2020

“Humans have always relied on tools to apply knowledge and shape their surroundings. Measurement functions as a fundamental standardising means in human production and daily life in terms of uniformity and efficiency. However, it can also feel like a prison, a rigid mindset that privileges rational rules and hardly allows for imagination and feeling.”

“I have hacked four measuring tools, playing with measurement to stretch space in different ways. I produced a film as well, in which four personal stories picture the gap between what the measuring tools tell us and how we actually feel. It aims to reinterpret measurement from a subjective perspective. My project encourages our elastic instincts to embrace the fluidity of the world.”

Graduation project 2020, Design Academy Eindhoven

Photos: Nicola Marnati